Rosebud Sioux Tribe Maternal and Child Health Program

Sew For Kids was recently contacted by a nurse from Rosebud Sioux Reservation, whom we’d previously helped, asking if our group could supply baby layettes and other needs for women and their newborns enrolled in the “RST Maternal and Child Health” program located in Mission, SD.  This is a tribal government program that serves women with high risk pregnancies referred to them by the medical community or other health program.  High risk in this case means they may have medical conditions such as diabetes or anemia, are very young or have had no prenatal care.  Ideally they try to get women enrolled in the program in their first trimester so they can provide education and follow them on a monthly basis during the rest of their pregnancy through home visits.

The maternity unit is closed at Rosebud Hospital so patients will deliver their babies in Valentine or Chadron, Nebraska or at Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD if they have more serious medical issues.  After delivery women and babies are followed by a visiting nurse in their homes where they receive health and well being checks, education and referral to other programs and resources if needed.  Home visits begin two weeks after delivery and continue on a regular basis until the baby is two years of age when they are turned over to other programs. The program serves about 30 clients a year.

Women are encouraged to breastfeed their babies if possible and are provided a breast pump if they’re working or attending school.  Formula companies are not allowed to give samples of formula, diaper bags or anything advertising their products so women leave the hospital with nothing but a few disposable diapers for their babies.  The WIC program does provide formula if they qualify, but the supply doesn’t last through the month.  Babies can receive WIC up to 5 years of age and occasionally 6 as well as food stamps, but even these two programs combined still don’t meet a family’s needs for the month and non food items such as diapers and wipes can’t be purchased with food stamps.

List of Needs

  • Clothing – Onesies, sleepers, sleep sacks, sweaters, shirts and pants.  Most newborns wear 0-3 months but since this is a high risk group NB and even preemies are needed.  Larger sizes will be needed as babies grow so can use up to 2 or 3T.
  • Socks/booties and hats – Both good projects for knitters and sewers.
  • Blankets – Warm blankets, afghans, quilts and receiving blankets
  • Towels – Regular bath towels and washcloths, hooded towels and smaller/softer baby wash cloths especially desirable.
  • Burp Cloths/Bibs/Nursing Pads –  Both home sewn and ready made.  Good projects to whittle down your stash.
  • Toys – Including small stuffed animals (baby safe – no buttons, strings, loose trims, etc.), teethers, baby books.  Other toys up to 2 years.
  • Sheets – to fit Pack and Play’s, they only receive one sheet with the unit.
  • Diaper Bags – traditional style, tote bags and back packs for younger moms.
  • Toiletries for Baby – Including baby wash, cotton swabs, diaper cream, thermometers, baby nail clippers, pacifiers.
  • Toiletries – Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, body wash, sanitary pads/tampons.  Small items such as nail polish, hair ties, hair brush, etc. would make a mom feel special.
  • Diapers and Wipes –  Diapers in sizes 3-4 most needed.

The nurses will put together layettes from the items we send, Sandi Wilcox, program director, says they are so grateful for any help we can give them.

RST is a tribal program and not a 501(c)(3) so your donations are not tax deductible.  Donations can be made to Lakota Friends Circle for the purchase of diapers, wipes and toiletries which can provide you with a charitable tax donation.  If you prefer to send yourself from an online store please consider purchasing through Amazon Smile and choosing Lakota Friends Circle as your charity.  They receive a quarterly check from Amazon that is used to fund our programs on reservations in SD.

Mailing Addresses 


RST  Maternal and Child Health Program

c/o Sandi Wilcox

PO Box 1076

Mission , SD 57555


RST Maternal & Child Health Program

c/o Sandi Wilcox

Antelope Community Building

2012 East Two Arrows Ave

Mission, SD 57555



Sew For Kids is having a baby project in March and we’ll be making many of the items on the list above for RST as well as many other areas we serve.  Please join us on our Facebook group Sew For Kids Volunteers.  Hope to see you there!

Thanks as always from Sew For Kids




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