Room Parent Program

As we all know, most teachers provide many of the items needed in the classroom throughout the school year. It was no different at Marty Indian school but needs were greater as most families could not even provide basic school supply items at the beginning of the year. While the school provided each teacher with a basic stipend, there were many needs that were unmet. We want kids to have the basic needs at the beginning of the year so they can start learning from day 1.

That is when we opted to have 2 Sew For Kids volunteers become room parents for each grade from K-5. While our main group supplies basic needs, special needs for the classroom are not provided for unless a teacher takes out of his/her own pocket. Items for birthdays, for special holiday parties, school bags, books, crafts, cleaning supplies , snacks for kids at risk of not eating at night or for testing time etc are needed . That is where the room parent makes a difference to the classroom .

Teachers communicate their needs to the room parent and if reasonable, most of our room parents can help. If not, the main Sew For Kids Volunteer Group chips in and we get what is needed to make sure kids have needed items for learning while having some fun along the way.